Saturday, August 09, 2008

the dude culture!!!

yeah baby, this was pending for some time, my thoughts on the dude culture..

so what do I mean about the dude culture? I refer to a generation of people who are absolutely more modern and smarter than I am. Again, it is my opinion, so allow me the margin of error.

i feel that we are losing on the essence of relationships and getting very perfunctory and circumstantial in our behavior. I do not like being addressed dude, i don't. I do not think it stands for anything hep and happening. I just think that the person calling me dude either does not give a damn about what my name is or does not give a damn about what would i like to be called as. She/He has no interest in what the dude's life is all about and is merely concerned about his/her own imminent interest.

we are losing the depth of relationships, if we had any. what's the point, talk about work, make pointless noise and laugh at things sometimes you do not even understand and move on....

i get irritated and i am highly irritated with people who approach me when they have something to get out of me and else how do i care!!!!! get lost, i will have no time for people like these....i used to be choosy about people and i will be even more selective.

It's okay if i have to stay in the company of books, they give me intellectual stimulation if nothing else, i know the people i want to be with and spend time with...if they are there, good enough, if they are not, all right.

i do not like the dude culture, i like to care and be cared for....either it's there or not try to fool me...your character makes loud noises no matter what you try to tell me...

yes, i will continue to be follow my purpose of spreading happiness, enthusiasm, love and pride at every chance until I am pushed afar...

good night

Friday, August 08, 2008

not advancing is regressing!!

this is one the google talk status and it makes a hell lot of sense. Not advancing is regressing. if we do not advance and change continuously with the changing times, we would have actually regressed.....wonderful.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

singh is king!!!only if they knew how to show that

what a crap movie was that and after having strong expectations from the movie, i am highly disappointed and strongl recommend against it. I am a singh and i know we rock and we will keep rocking, the movie isn't about anything singhs have achieved or's some bullshit bond funda and utter confusion which makes no sense at all.
do not waste your time and money..not worth anything...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

accessibility Vs exclusivity!!

this is a choice. I have held this view for sometime that one should never allow people to take one for granted. It is the same case with premium vs everywhere brands. Which one is more wanted? okay, enough of questions, I guess i have driven the point across for myself.

I have done quite a lot of work in terms of extra-curricular and indulging activities here and i don't want any crap lecture on grades please. But yes, it is more important for myself to focus on myself now than forums, so i guess i will do it now and let me try the opposite school of thought now.

that's it. carry on