B- Believe in yourself. Nobody else will.
C- Consider things from every angle. Create a good life.
D- Don't give up, ever.
E- Enjoy life today; yesterday is gone and tomorrow may not show up
F- Family and Friends are priceless treasures. Value them.
G- Give what you can. Glorify the human spirit.
H- Hang on to your dreams
I- Ignore those who try to discourage you. Imagine great things.
J- Just do it baby
K- Keep on trying no matter how hard it seems. The tunnel will come to an end.
L- Love yourself I say. The man who cannot love himself cannot love anyone.
M-Meditate daily. Make it happen.
N- Never cheat or steal. Always go for a win-win.
O- Open your eyes and see things as they are. Facts don't cease to exist just because they are ignored.
P- Practice makes a man near perfect. Praise performance well done.
Q- Quitters never win. Never Never Never, Never quit. Question EVERYTHING.
R- Reading is to mind what running is to body. Don't miss either.
S- Stop procrastinating. Later may never come.
T-Take control of your destiny. It bends to a power called WILL.
U- Understand yourself and be yourself. It's one definition of success.
V- Value life. The fact that we are alive to read this, is a blessing. I know many who aren't.
X- Xcellence in what we do makes us who we are. Never settle.
Y- You are unique, unprecedented. Comparing yourself with someone else is an insult to your existence
Z- Zestfully pursue happiness. HAPPINESS IS EVERYTHING.