Here is my goal list 2011.
1. Move to the next level at JWT. Move to Planning/Research!!!! AM is not for me. Professional
2. Find her. Personal
3. Meet at least 50 new exciting, passionate, full of life people. Social
4. Create love and happiness every moment. Community
5. Write 2 books and look for speaking opportunities. Turnaround
Why do I exist? To create happiness.
The purpose of my life is to enjoy myself by doing things I love to do
Be happy by focusing on my blessings;
Create happiness, enthusiasm love and pride;
and do it today for there is no yesterday and there is no tomorrow.
My Values:
Health Passion Freedom Excellence Willingness to die for my purpose
1. Be yourself. Do what you love. Express who you are.
3. Live fearlessly. Fear NOTHING.
Decision Guidance
Happiness is everything. If you are not happy today, you have got to be doing something else today! Tomorrow may not show up. Age is immaterial. Most people spend their lives as walking carcasses anyways.
If the pursuit of happiness takes every minute of it of your life, let it. It's all there is to life. I am willing to trade my life off for my happiness and my dreams. done. It is a non-negotiable. No compromises. If I die, I die. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees