Saturday, December 18, 2010

Raping the society!

I have a tendency to walk while I talk on mobile. One night, in my area, I was talking was taking a stroll and it suddenly got dark. The electricity connection conked out. I was enjoying the conversation with a friend and suddenly my phone was snatched out of my hands and I thought someone was playing a prank. By the time I got over the shock and realized that 2 guys on a bike had robbed the phone from me and ran after the bike, they disappeared into the dark.

I lost my phone. What happened later was many people in my neighborhood blamed me for having lost the phone!! They said why was I walking on the street? Why was I not conscious of it? Why did I not run after them since I am a runner?!!

Basically, they blamed me and I was the victim.

Women get raped and then, they are blamed for what happens to them. It's like saying that man is a beast who would jump at a woman the moment he sees skin!!! It's a shame on our collective conscience if there is one.

Have you thought what promotes recidivism? Why does it happen over a over? Why do a group of men have the gall to gang rape a woman and leave her for dead and malign all men all over?

It's because they think they will escape punishments or the punishments are just not harsh enough. Bury them alive, castrate them, whip out every shred of lives in their body. Stop those bastards.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Why do you smoke?

I know I may be asking for trouble but one's gotta say what one's gotta say!

"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do." Smoking is one example that comes to my mind to exemplify the quote.

While I was growing up as a kid, I would look at people who smoke and wonder what are they doing? I did not have answers then. I don't have any answers now either. Then I used to commute by a Haryana Roadways bus to my college to Delhi everyday and the driver would smoke his bidis right under the sign 'No Smoking.' I had many arguments with people who would sit next to me and take out a smoke the moment the bus would start. I did not think much of those people.

Another rationale I had for a long time was that the people who smoke are not good. They are bad. Vo Acche log nahi hote. Then I met many people who in their character and person are some of the best I have met and they would just flash a cigarette and romance with the smoke many times a day. That's where it got complicated.

Why do educated, smart, intelligent people smoke?

Potential Perceptive answers since perception is reality

1. It helps relieve stress. Stress is in the air.

2. Let's just have a smoke. I mean, what the hell!

3. It goes great with coffee/tea/Beer/Rum/whatever

4. It's a good filler to fill space and time when we have not got anything worthwhile to do

5. Smoking is sexy, romantic, enchanting, divine, sublime etc

Okay, fine. Well, it's none of my business that you smoke. It's yours. I generally manage to avoid passive smoking as well since I object. May be smoking is good and my mind has not reached the level where I can really decipher what kind of surreal pleasure or joy one can derive from it.

For you to consider if it helps you. If it makes your life better and serves as an example for your kids or people you would like to emulate you.

Think about it over a smoke.

Smile Anyway!

Work may overwhelm you at times
Smile Anyway

Results have a tendency to be uncertain
Smile Anyway

Things may not work out your way
Smile Anyway

In your pursuits, you will be rejected a many times
Smile Anyway

Your body will fall sick sometimes
Smile Anyway

People will behave irrationally many times
Smile Anyway

You may lose your job
Smile Anyway

You may lose who you love
Smile Anyway

Life will be unfair at times
Smile Anyway

Destiny will not offer no reasons for its actions
Smile Anyway

You may shout, scream, cry or fear
Nothing useful was ever achieved with tears
For if you smile when the chips are up or down
You will be an inspiration for people around

Remember, says Amar, no matter what happen may
Just! Just, Smile Anyway

Thursday, December 16, 2010

bring back the discipline!

There is a certain amount of discipline that I think I need to bring back into my life. My life depends on it.

a few new rules:

1. reinforce daily exercise. i can't understand winter excuses!
2. Facebook! Not more than an hour during the day. I have got work to do which it infiltrates into. So, basically, that means the i will be logged in into FB for not more than an hour.
3. never use the stairs. life is pretty much sedentary any ways.
4. create a 2011 goal sheet this weekend.

The direction has been decided. Let's press the escalator.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Too early, To late!

It won't be too early. It might just be too late.

the thought factory