I know I may be asking for trouble but one's gotta say what one's gotta say!
"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do." Smoking is one example that comes to my mind to exemplify the quote.
While I was growing up as a kid, I would look at people who smoke and wonder what are they doing? I did not have answers then. I don't have any answers now either. Then I used to commute by a Haryana Roadways bus to my college to Delhi everyday and the driver would smoke his bidis right under the sign 'No Smoking.' I had many arguments with people who would sit next to me and take out a smoke the moment the bus would start. I did not think much of those people.
Another rationale I had for a long time was that the people who smoke are not good. They are bad. Vo Acche log nahi hote. Then I met many people who in their character and person are some of the best I have met and they would just flash a cigarette and romance with the smoke many times a day. That's where it got complicated.
Why do educated, smart, intelligent people smoke?
Potential Perceptive answers since perception is reality
1. It helps relieve stress. Stress is in the air.
2. Let's just have a smoke. I mean, what the hell!
3. It goes great with coffee/tea/Beer/Rum/whatever
4. It's a good filler to fill space and time when we have not got anything worthwhile to do
5. Smoking is sexy, romantic, enchanting, divine, sublime etc
Okay, fine. Well, it's none of my business that you smoke. It's yours. I generally manage to avoid passive smoking as well since I object. May be smoking is good and my mind has not reached the level where I can really decipher what kind of surreal pleasure or joy one can derive from it.
For you to consider if it helps you. If it makes your life better and serves as an example for your kids or people you would like to emulate you.
Think about it over a smoke.
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