Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Basic Schedule

I hate getting up late and not having a planned day at hand, like today! uff! Whatever I decide to do during the day will flow from the basic schedule, henceforth, for the rest of whatever days I have!

Rise: 5- 5:30 am (irrespective of the season)

Regardless of what else, no day ought to go without:-

Writing- at least 2 hours
Exercise-at least 1 hour
Reading- at least 1 hour

= 4 hours of compulsive work every day. This must be done! It's fundamental. If I must, I can fill the whole day with reading and writing.

Work from 8 am to 11 pm= 15 hours, including lunch and dinner. Breakfast should happen before 8 am

okay? I will screw you if you don't comply.

carry on now.

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