Saturday, June 27, 2009

orkut thought of the day

Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right!

this hit me. you know what because I tend to do things and not do things sometimes because either they are morally right or not. And this thought seems to divide both the issues as if morals and being right are 2 different things!

may be they are! i will give it some thought. My morals have prevented me from doing many things at different times. Bastards, them! ;)

ah, he was so talented but...

Talent is cheaper that table salt. There is nothing more common that wasted talent.
What requires talent to turn into victory and success is a never ending supply of hard work, persistence, perseverance, dedication, dogged minded pursuit of the outcome and a never say die spirit!

no matter what you do, do not quit!


a man's mind elevated to a higher level does not return to its usual dimensions

Thursday, June 25, 2009


i was a different person yesterday. i took some decisions which caused me pain. That was the best I could do then with what I knew.

I am what I am today because of what I learned yesterday. There are no mistakes, only lessons.

every mistake i made was a blessing because it has made me what I have become.