Saturday, July 28, 2012


"I have just learnt to accept reality as it is, many times i wish it to be otherwise but i know 

that our lives take the direction of our destiny and we can either struggle against it or accept 

with composure."

What is Reality?

What is reality? Could there be an alternate one?

If you think I have lost it, kindly FO. If you think it might be interesting, read on.
The simplest definition I can think of is ‘what is.’

We spend so much of our life trying to change our reality into something we think we would find more favorable.
How does one change his/her reality?
By taking different actions? By thinking different thoughts? Huh?

You see, where does it all start? Our lives are a reflection of our thoughts in many ways. We do what I think and then we bear the consequences of our actions. If the consequences are favorable, we think we deserve credit for our actions or if the consequences are adverse, we think that we deserve blame for making incorrect choices.

However, considering the question:
‘Where do our intentions, desires flow from?’

We make choices. These are conscious choices, which seem to flow from what we want. However, why the hell do we want what we want?

Why does someone want to be an engineer? Why someone else does wants to be a painter?

I do not think, no, I am convinced that we do not own our wants and desires, our intentions, like we do not own our circumstances. We own nothing. We are puppets in the hands of the invisible piper who is playing a tune to which we are all dancing.

Abraham Lincoln said, during one of his addresses to the American nation, ‘The Almighty has His own purposes.’
Our thoughts, our wants an
d desires and choices are planted in our mind and we seem to think that we made them. Since we do not own our choices, we do not own our reality.

Albert Einstein’s invisible piper or Abraham Lincoln’s almighty, does.

Enjoy your reality; there could not have been an alternate one.

pappi jhappi

duniya nu agg la
matti pa
khush rehen da funda ee
pappiyan lai khappi pa