Friday, August 21, 2009


"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

things that money can't buy!

missing things that money can't buy...
the gaze of love, the touch of care, the hug that cures all
wonder if i have gone wrong
or just that love is too shy...

missing things that money can't buy


life means different things to different people. it should. whatever it does mean to you, it should be something you deeply love. i think for me, life is a stage and i am the showman :D


I denounce the popularly accepted definition of competition around the world causing people to go mad. i have realised this after having going mad! i am not competing with anyone out there. i am not trying to catch up with anyone. period. i compete with myself. competition for me means to exceed the standards i set for my own self, to be a better person today than i was yesterday. it's my race. my story. There is no external competition. You are a blue ocean, unprecedented, unique, special. do not insult yourself by wasteful comparisons.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


you see. my point is that "results only show up when they want to"

they are heartless jerks. You keep working in pain, agony, wondering if the search and toil will ever end and you will succeed! remember my journeys to get an MBA! for example, that is...

my problem is that I will not compromise with life and just accept whatever it throws my way. there is no point saying that my patience is running out. If there have been no results so far, if what you started out for has not been accomplished, you will need more patience. There is no choice, you will have to hold on.

there is another choice. give up. A big Nooooo.

so hold on till you succeed. life is such.
