Saturday, April 23, 2011

do what you love

Doing what you truly love certainly has its rewards. In Making a Life, Making a Living, Mark Albion cites a study carried out by Srully Blotnick. The careers of 1,500 business school graduates were tracked from 1969 to 1980 and were split into two groups: group A said they wanted to make money first so they could do what they really wanted later, and group B said they would follow their interests first, regardless of financial considerations. At the end of the study, there were 101 millionaires

All but one came from group B. 


There are 2 kinds of people on earth.

those who are free to speak their mind. free to act on their will. free to be. These make a minority of the human population.

the second type of people are called slaves. 95% of the world's population is a slave.

Satinder Sartaj!

daulatan te jag te baterian
paise to zaruri hondi pag ji
baki tusi mere to sayane o
mai tan aiyon kadya e chajh ji

Friday, April 22, 2011

Rich Dad Speak

While risk can be scary, to me it is the essence of freedom. The only way to limit risk is to limit freedom. And, unfortunately, all too often people are willing to give away freedom in exchange for safety, even if that safety equals a poor way of living.

Monday, April 18, 2011

don't quit

Stick to the fight
when at your hardest hit
its when things seem worse
That you must never quit