Tuesday, July 15, 2008

happiness, enthusiasm, love, pride

you know what. I am not feeling great today, I cannot clearly articulate what is bothering me exactly but there are quite a number of things. Let me try, the weather, lack of mobility in Dubai and blah blah blah...how does it matter and who gives a damn!!!!

but tell you what, there is a brand i have consciously or unconsciously created called amarocks and when i tell people i am not feeling well or dejected, they say no you cannot get sad- amar rocks..yeah right...

i guess i am just too complicated. why the hell do i have to question everything that goes on and try to reach the depth of everything...some things should just be left that way, isn't it? again a question!!!!

anyways, i am sure this is temporary and i will be fine in a while coz i have assumed it to be my responsibility to spread happiness, enthusiasm, love and pride. How can i evade my duty? i cannot and i will not. As far as feeling dull is concerned, i guess, i need some more planning of the routine and try and get some people along who may like to join me in the adventure. Yes, i need to work a little more harder in creating an experience out of this city within the constraints of money and time...yeah...

what exactly am i feeling right now? i'l skip that for now....let me just do the next thing that comes to my mind without questioning why?!!!

good night world!!

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