Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3 Commandments by Amar

I was thinking about it yesterday and I realized that whatever I do, I have 3 primary objectives in life:-

My 3 Commandments

1. Be yourself and do what you love

The source of happiness is love. wow! Everything I do should express who I am.

2. Live with an attitude of gratitude

The knowledge that I have been fortunate to enjoy a state of good health, loving parents and friends, good education, a thinking mind and the fact that I am alive is the reason to be happy. I will never run out of those but even if it comes to one, I shall be happy for I am alive!

3. Live Fearlessly

Fear is a mind and body killer. It paralyzes me whenever I am scared of anything. I hate to be scared- scared of anything- of losing my job, my loved ones, of dying, of anything. What's the worse that will happen? Someone will kill me? I mean, the worst thing to happen to anyone early on is the end of his/her life and as long as we are alive, everything is temporary.


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