Thursday, July 19, 2012

May be you are smarter

"may be you are smarter and were born to be so. may be you understand yourself. i don't. i don't understand why the fuck men do what they do, many times that includes myself and why don't they act otherwise. why some are intelligent and some are dumb. some are rich and some are poor. some die early and some live long. some 'happen' to think of ideas to build companies and some cannot muster the courage to get away from the shackles of their family and society. why an idea that seems impractical to one excites the other. we all seem to be actors to me, acting in an illusion of free will as if we are somehow creating our thoughts and reality.

"may be you have been smarter. i see no one deserving any credit and i see nobody deserving any blame. may be i was born to be this way"


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