Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Rules!!

We do not want to be making decisions all the time, do we? It's highly pertinent to decide where I will not invest any time in making a decision so that energy is invested only when it is important to make a decision.

Thiis is where rules come to help. Rules are decisions which have been taken and are sacrosanct, yes, they are sacrosanct. They cannot be violated at any cost. Rules help you avoid the tussle in your mind all the time about things which should not be debated over for your life to go smoothly.

I need to decide these rules for myself. I am making a start today and will add as I realise more things that are sacrosanct for me:- Some rules for smooth functioning of my life, I will not debate about them with myself any more, they are SACROSANCT

 Exercise for at least for 40 minutes once 24 hours, even when it’s raining, you have a meeting, no matter how hectic the schedule, HEALTH is a value I live for. This may mean 2 in the afternoon (find shade) or 3 in the morning, this rule will not be broken, unless I am bedridden or my limbs are not working. I will ideally exercise either in the beginning or the end of the day or any other hour. Not exercising is ruled out.

 I will always be grateful. This may sound trivial, but it is very important. Even if I look at my life right now, I am sitting in my bed with a laptop and writing in my blog and I have extremely intelligent people for company all around me. I have no reason for despair. Life is beautiful and if I make the right choices in consonance with my purpose, it will only become better. Yes, I am happy and grateful to luck or the creator of my destiny. Whatever is meant for me will come to me.

 I will always seek the company of great people. If I like someone, I will find time to spend time with them and form relationships. Relationships are all that matter in this world. Anything can be done with great people. I will reach out and make friends with great people because I think they are great. I will not hesitate in reaching out and doing whatever it takes to stay in touch with these people. On the other hand, I will stay away from counterfeit people.

 I will be an instrument for change and progress. If something is not right, I will raise my voice and do whatever it takes to change it. I will break the status quo if it does not help lives and stalls progress. I do not care if no body else has the guts. I will do it.

 I will be answerable only to myself for my actions. I do not know if God exists. I really don’t. Given this situation, I will be answerable only to myself for my actions and their consequences.

 I will either have brunch or luchfast only. I will not have both breakfast and lunch. It will be a combined meal. This will be the heaviest meal of the day.

More rules will follow.

I repeat. These are not debatable.

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