Friday, May 08, 2009

the essence of life! amarocks

the essence of life as i understand it now, is this....

we are dying, any minute. we don't know which minute. we may have only a few hours left to live. living life means doing everything that we want to do, we crave to do, we yearn to do, every minute we are alive.

the essence of life is that we have this one life to live and certain amount of time has been given to us. it will pass, anyways. we can use it, by enjoying every minute or waste it. it takes guts, risk, dogged minded determination and obstinacy to live your life, the way you want.

the key words in the essence of life are "love", "want", "enjoy", "passion", "pleasure". these should be the answers to why we do what we do and where we choose to spend our time. we need to ask ourselves every minute,

if this is my last day, am i doing what i love to do? am i doing what i want to do? am i doing what gives me pleasure? am i enjoying myself? am i doing what i am passionate about?

if the answer to all these questions is yes, then you are living life in its essence.
otherwise, you are just surviving, like animals. and very soon, it will be too late.

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