Monday, December 15, 2008

the 3 most important people in my life!!

they just dun get talked about, and the truth is whatever has become of me and will bcome to me has been to their credit, had it not been for them, i would not be sitting here in singapore today and writing this....

mummy- she refuses to change at all, she is the way she has been for years but her love has never diminished ever no matter how many mistakes i committed.....i have given her some tough times though. She has ben there and i know for as many zeros you can add after 1... that she will be there no matter what...they call it mother's love- unconditional to the core

papa- he has been moving from one place to another for many years now, all by himself. if he did not work hard for us and doing whatever it takes to bethere always commuting either wat, nothing would have been possible

meetu- my sister meetu, she has been a great support whenever she could be, expecting nothing...

they are my pillats of strength no matter what...i would not have achieved anythign without them....and there is nothing that I could do to pay them...

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