Monday, December 15, 2008

my day vision


I am up before the dawn breaks
I run as the dark fades

I sleep a little allowing my body and senses to unwind
I eat a little nourishing my soul, body and mind

Laziness knocked, I left it unheard
Energy is my name, Vibrant is my word

I love my past, everything has had a reason
Spring is my favourite and I love every season

Future will be as I see it or better still
I am sure I am yet to see my best
I believe I can I think I will

I stick to the truth
Sweet or bitter; harsh or pretty
I do as I say, my word is my integrity

I work for over half a day
Do what I believe is not work but play
What I do defines me not money, people, and name
The best is the standard and play I do to win the game

I smile every second just for the sake of cheer and grace
No one changed a thing on earth with a frown, tense and grumpy face

I love life and I love living
This day on earth is such a gift
If there is god I pray
Grant me what it takes to make most of it!

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